MdM: Unit of Excellence María de Maeztu


#During my postdoctoral research at Rutgers University, I focused on using computational approaches to study various facets of host and pathogen biology including:

#* delineating the molecular mechanism underlying a newly identified stress response operon in the tubercle bacterium involving the phage-shock-proteins (psp); #* unraveling the evolution of bacterial stress response systems (psp) across the tree of life using protein sequence-structure-function relationships; #* reconstructing and analyzing the mycobacterial sigma factor regulatory network.

#* The evolution, conservation, and covariation of the Psp envelope-stress-response system across the tree of life, in preparation. #* Variations on a theme: evolution of the phage-shock-protein system in Actinobacteria #* The Psp system of Mycobacterium tuberculosis integrates envelope stress-sensing and envelope-preserving functions #* Reconstruction and topological characterization of the sigma factor regulatory network of Mycobacterium tuberculosis


Rutgers University

#* Marila Gennaro #* Pratik Datta #* Matt Neiditch #* Arnold Barton #* Rasel Khan #* Rinki Chauhan


#* L Aravind #* Vivek Anantharaman

SUNY Buffalo

#* Gabor Balazsi

Rice University

#* Oleg Igoshin

Dr. Antonio Andriella
Postdoctoral Researcher @

My research interests include short- and long-term personalisation in socially assistive robotics.